(Software) EZdrummer Collection
Kali ini saya mw posting soal Vsti drum. Yaitu soal Ez Drum. Mungkin beberapa temen2 lagi nyari link buat download ni Vsti. Nah mudah2an kali ini saya bisa membantu. Paling tidak dapat mengganti request-an temen2 soal addictive drum..... maaf k-lo gk bisa upload addictive, coz file nya besar banget, sampek 2 Gb. Nah untuk menggantinya saya kasi link download Ez Drum. Sedikit soal fitur Ez Drum: EZdrummer® is a multi-microphone drum sampler designed for musicians and producers in need of a compact, affordable, easy to handle plug-in without compromising sound quality or control. The visualized drums in the interface combine auditioning of sounds and drumkit construction. The extensive drag and drop MIDI library (featuring 8000+ MIDI files) enables users to create a great drum track in just a few clicks. For more advanced handling, users can control microphone bleeding and levels between drums using the internal mixer. The mixer also allows stereo and multitrack routing into